About Us
How your money is spent
We promise to use your gift to help people journey out of poverty. Of every pound entrusted to us…
- 82p Programmes
- 6p Support, Running and Governance
- 12p Communications and Fundraising
Communications and Fundraising
11pOur supporters (Global Neighbours) are vital to everything we do at Signpost International. Their prayers, financial gifts and encouraging and loyal support means that they are an important part of the Signpost family. Our communications and fundraising is all about relationship, helping our Global Neighbours hear the voices and see the faces of those that their generous gifts are helping. We also want to inspire people to share in our mission and join us on our journey.
Support and Running costs
7pPutting robust systems in place to enable and evaluate our work is vital so that we can continually learn, improve, and ensure that your money is used more effectively as a result.
82pWe work with local partners and communities enabling children to stay in education for longer, women to join self-help groups and start small businesses and health awareness promotion to take place. Over recent years funding from Comic Relief, The Big Lottery, British & Foreign Schools Society and Allan & Nesta Ferguson Trust has helped us to do more; providing clean, safe water via rainwater harvesting systems, teaching traditional farming techniques to communities who have been displaced from the land for a generation due to war, leading to year round food production and women being given a livelihood as they make reusable sanitary kits, providing income, dignity and increasing school attendance rates of girls.
You can read our reviews and reports below.
Our Vision
An equitable world where poverty and injustice are eliminated, people thrive and communities flourish
Learn moreOur accounts are independently audited and submitted to Companies House annually. You can read our annual reports above.